Saturday, December 28, 2019

Education Imbalance Essay - 1518 Words

Educational Imbalance Social class is defined as a system of stratification based on access to such resources as wealth, property, power, and prestige (Ferris and Stein). The key word in this definition is access because in order for different member of society to have the resources mentioned, those members need to have access to proper-higher education. Higher education is one of the reasons why, nowadays, the gap between the different social classes in America (the upper-class, middle class, lower-class) is spreading more and more apart. One of the reasons why social class is studied is because sociologist have found that humans need some sort of structural system in order to function properly. This social class stratification†¦show more content†¦This states that the working class has more difficulty going to college and therefore climbing the social latter. Also, a new study reveals that gaining a degree is often still a hope rather than expectation for students from low er-income families, while their richer peers are more likely to accept it as normal (Working Class Students). This clearly defines the inequality that there is in education because people can see the perspective that the lower class has on higher education. They see as a hope, as a dream rather than an expectation. These perspective comes from the belief of the American Dream. Working class people are the most likely to be driven by this belief considering that they are the ones that believe in it the most due to their circumstances and desire to move from one social class to another. Although their overall educational experience of a working class people may not be the same as the upper classes since working class students end up working while they study (Working Class Students). This makes it harder for this students to focus and succeed in college and also making them more like to drop out of college and just work. In addition, working class are trapped in an endless loop, its li ke they are predestinated to remain poor. An example of this is Brandon who is an African-American and came from a working class family and worked hard to obtain 2 different college degrees (in criminal justice and psychology) and has not found a job thatShow MoreRelatedFunctional Behavior Assessment Paper1301 Words   |  6 Pages Negative behavior is a reaction to something happening in a childs life or an imbalance in the child. A child with an imbalance will benefit from a functional behavior assessment because there is a good chance the imbalance could be found and corrected so that the behavior of the child will change. Not all imbalances are fixed by medicine but some can be and certainly do cause unwanted behaviors. 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Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Development Of Health Care System Essay - 1191 Words

To assess the progress towards UHC, we analyzed the progress and issues in achieving MDGs targets. Data were collected from the 2006 and 2012 DHS studies, the National Institute of Statistic (INS) and latest reports of international organizations implicated in the improvement of health care system. MDG 1: eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Recurring floods and droughts affect agricultural productivity and food security in Niger while eighty percent of the population depends on agriculture. According to the 2014 nutrition survey using SMART (Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transitions nutrition) the global acute malnutrition rate has reached 14.8%, close to the emergency threshold of 15% set by the WHO. This rate is higher than in the previous survey conducted in 2013 (13.3%). the situation is further aggravated by flows of refugees and returning migrants due to the situation in Libya, the armed groups such as Boko Haram in Nigeria, and Mujao from Mali which threatening the country s economic growth. [UNICEF (2015).Aperà §u des besoins humanitaires Niger][Plan de reponse 2015]. Nevertheless, through the 3 Initiative â€Å"Nigeriens Nourishing Nigeriens†, the government has made a commitment to tackle malnutrition and address food insecurity and agricultural sustainability issues. [ Niger: P overty Reduction Strategy Paper]p139-281 MDG 4: Reduce by two-thirds the under-five mortality rate Despite challenges, Niger has made a significant progress in a number ofShow MoreRelatedSocial Health Care System Development1234 Words   |  5 PagesSocial Media- Health Care System Development Social media is an ever-growing digital, content-based communications based on the interactions enabled by a plethora of web technologies which facilitates interpersonal communication and networking more effectively. It helps people to share online text, pictures, videos and links. It is significantly useful to health care professionals, patients and public to share their knowledge, skills, preferences and ideas with others (Suby, 2013). 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Tragic Hero Essay - 761 Words

Tragic Hero In many, a tragedy do the tragic heroes have flaws that lead themselves to their own demise. The main character always acts exactly on his or her own emotions; thus aiding their tragic flaw and leading to their own demise without giving them the time to stop the repercussions of their emotion driven actions. In the play â€Å"Antigone† by Sophocles many of the characters are simply too headstrong and passionate about their beliefs to realize that they would greatly regret the decisions they are making. All of the characters share this characteristic; it is alluded to in the play that this is caused by their blood relation to Oedipus and how they are too cursed. Creon displays his tragic flaw on his sleeve; this is seen in the†¦show more content†¦Nevertheless, her existence in itself is looked down and cursed by the gods and as if fate had called for it, she kills herself to appease her stubborn and prideful nature. Her emotions fuel her decisions and before Creon can even begin to regret his own decisions and come to release her, she is dead along with the majority of his loved ones. Haemon, much like his father, has his own tragic flaws of his loyalty and undying love for his would be wife Antigone. Who at the end of the story ends up making a tragic exit and Haemon after failing to convince his father, Creon, to release her chooses instead to hastily follow suit and meet his own tragic demise next to his lover. He makes a emotional and heartbroken choice out of pure desperation for his lost love, without considering how it would affect the people he left behind. Unlike Creon, he didn’t have to face the fact that he caused his mother to kill herself out of despair for her lost son and left his father surrounded by the dead bodies of his loved ones. Haemon had to bear the weight of Creon’s and Antigone’s impetuous decisions after he could not stop and ended up losing to his tragic flaw of love and killing himself. These heroes’ tragic flaws would hardly amount in any despair if alone, but paired with a Greeks heroes’ tendencies to makeShow MoreRelated The Tragic Hero of Hamlet Essay1049 Words   |  5 PagesThe Tragic Hero of Hamlet    Shakespeares play, Hamlet illustrates the tragedy of a young princes pursuit to obtain revenge for a corrupt act, the murder of his father.  Ã‚   As the exposition unfolds, we find Prince Hamlet struggling with internal conflict over who and what was behind his fathers death.   His struggle continues as he awaits the mystic appearance of a ghost who is reported to resemble his father.   Suddenly it appears, proclaiming, Pity me not, but lend thy serious hearing / ToRead More Modern Tragic Hero Essay1304 Words   |  6 Pageswith a grandiose plan to live the American dream. As a result to the tragic events of Willy Loman’s life starting with his father’s abandonment, and ending with his suicide, Willy Loman never lives the life he has always dreamed. Although, arguably discredited as a tragic hero, Willy Loman attains the qualities essential to credit him as a tragic hero of modern times. Whether or not Willy Loman is a tragic hero in Death of a Salesman’s has been a subject of controversy since theRead MoreOpedipus, a tragic hero Essay example1708 Words   |  7 PagesStatement: Oedipus is the embodiment of Aristotle’s characterization of a tragic hero through his ability to preserve his virtue and wisdom, despite his flaws and predicament. Introduction I. Sophocles’ Oedipus: A Tragic Hero A. Definition of a tragic hero B. Oedipus Character as it relates II. Tragedy A. Language of Tragedy B. Tragedy as it affects the audience III. Plot A. Aristotle’s idea of a tragic plot B. Significance of the plot IV. Virtue and Morality A. IdentifyingRead More Antigone the Tragic Hero Essay929 Words   |  4 PagesA Tragic Hero A tragic hero is a character who makes an error of judgment or has a fatal flaw, which combined with fate, results into a tragedy. The tragic hero must fall from good luck and well being to misery and misfortune. The tragic hero causes a sense of pity through the tragic downfall that weakens the character. In Antigone by Sophocles, Antigone follows her own beliefs by giving her brother a proper burial, even if she has to break the law of King Creon. Because of her innocentRead MoreCreon As A Tragic Hero Essay1650 Words   |  7 PagesJosh Gindi Mrs. Orens English 10H 26 October 2017 What makes tragic heroes different from an ordinary hero? A tragic hero is a character who is complex by nature, having the ability to give off distinctive impressions to different readers. Creon, king of Thebes, is the tragic hero in Sophocles’ â€Å"Antigone† who can be perceived as the antagonist on account of his behavior. One can say that Creon’s decision to prosecute Antigone for burying her brother made Creon look like the enemy. However, withRead MoreCreon Is a Tragic Hero Essay1492 Words   |  6 PagesThe Hero, Creon Aristotle once said, regarding his principles that a certain character is a tragic hero, A man cannot become a hero until he can see the root of his own downfall. This quotation is an accurate statement regarding the actions between Creon in the beginning of the play, and at the end once he has lost his family. A tragic hero is defined as a character of noble stature, the hero is imperfect allowing the audience to relate to him, as well as the hero’s downfall is caused by hisRead MoreIs Othello a Tragic Hero? Essay1479 Words   |  6 PagesTo what extent can Othello be considered a ‘tragic hero’? The extent of which Othello is a tragic hero has been open to much debate; the basis on which he is judged falls to Aristotle’s established view of the crucial elements that distinguish whether a person is truly tragic. According to Aristotle, a tragic protagonist is a nobleman or person from high status, who contributes to his own demise and illustrates a flaw or weakness in judgment. The tragic protagonist must make a fall from a high stateRead MoreEssay on Antigone is a Tragic Hero823 Words   |  4 PagesAntigone is a Tragic Hero A subject of debate in Sophocles’ play Antigone is which character complies with the characteristics of a tragic hero. The qualities that constitute a tragic hero are, in no particular order, having a high social position, not being overly good or bad, isolation, being tenacious in their actions, arousing pity in the audience, a revelatory manifestation, and having a single flaw that brings about their own demise and the demise of others around them. Creon possessesRead MoreDefining the Tragic Hero Essay632 Words   |  3 PagesA tragic hero is the main character in a tragedy story. He is the main theme. He is the source behind the main issues of the plot and some major points maybe cleared by observing his actions and nature. The tragic hero is always larger than life, a person of action whose decisions determine the fate of others. He is a man who is superior then the average person, a character of noble stature and greatness. Though the tragic hero is pre-eminently great, he is not perfect. Otherwise, the audienceRead MoreEssay on Oedipus, a Tragic Hero1040 Words   |  5 PagesOedipus a Tragic Hero What is a tragic hero? A Tragic hero is a man or character who has great influence, makes an error in his or her actions, and who must suffer the consequences of those actions. Oedipus’ tragic flaws starts with his excessive pride which leads to overconfidence as the people in the city lift him up and feed his ego: â€Å"You are not one of the immortal gods we know; Yet we have come to you to make our prayer. As to the man of all men best in adversity and wisest in the ways of

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Role Of The Father Has Changed Today s Society

In today’s society the role of the father has changed many times throughout history. The expectations and views that our society has about fathers and fatherhood have changed dramatically in the last few decades. In the past fathers assumed the role of the breadwinner and disciplinarians while the mother’s where in charge of the upbringing of his children. The expectations of fathers as presented by the media is that they become more than breadwinner of the family. As a man become a father he must expect that his life will change such as prioritizing his time and engaging more with his children. If a man is serious about fatherhood they need to know how equally important to the well-being and development of their child. Fathers are urged to perform different task that is normally left up to a mother. One of these task are that fathers become more involved in their children’s life. For example in Modern Family Phil Dunphy is a Realtor but also priorities his time to be with his children. This is especially shown with regards to his son. A responsible and serious father doesn’t mean the mother will be forgotten. However, it mean that fathers are attempting to become nurtures, protectors and providers as a mother would do too. It is also important for fathers to be a part of their children’s life due to many growing t o become thugs and abandoning their own children. In the last 50 years, fathers have taken on more child care and housework, though women still do the majority,Show MoreRelatedFamily structures and roles1241 Words   |  5 Pagesstructures and roles We use the word role today meaning a function or part played in life. As a member of a family or a work situation the roles we have in life depend on the situation we are in at the time. I myself am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a care assistant, a student and a friend. As you can see I have many different roles in my everyday living. The main role in my life will be the role within my family unit. This project will look at the roles of members in a family unit and how this has changedRead MoreEssay about Masculinity in the Media1647 Words   |  7 Pages Masculinity in the Media Masculinity has changed and evolved since the beginning of human creation. Males have had to adhere to the social norms of their time to survive without undue persecution. In the beginning of the 19th century, there was a shift in the way men could attain manhood. It was no longer easy for a man to enter into manhood with straightforward expectations and rituals. The state of manhood became difficult to obtain because of its precarious nature. During the sameRead MoreFamilies And Families Of The 21st Century819 Words   |  4 Pagesunit of a well structured society. The way a family functions, â€Å"ensures a society survival† (Parson and Bales, p. 6). On one side of the spectrum, a person can agree that today s families have become dysfunctional or even out of touch with one another because of the perplexities in their family. This can be a decisive factor in why our society today is facing dilemmas all so frequently. This perception can emerge the idea that familie s is now declining. However, families today have faced tremendousRead MoreRole Models1031 Words   |  5 PagesBy definition, a role model is one whose behavior, example, or success is emulated by others. Today, athletes and other sport stars are looked up to by people of all ages. Everyone loves them, they appear on television with the entire world watching. Athletes are known for their wealth, talent, and fame. We admire them as our leaders with their determination and confidence. No wonder we always make heroes out of favorite athletes. They are seen as role models because they can do what we cannotRead MoreThe Drastic Change in Society and in Family Diversity Essay829 Words   |  4 PagesThe Drastic Change in Society and in Family Diversity In the 1960s families were a lot more traditional than nowadays, and most families were nuclear, which means a married a couple with children. Although, times have changed a lot since the 1960’s, what is deemed as socially acceptable has changed a great deal since those times, social mores have changed a great deal, and different types of families, as they are becoming more diverse, and situations previously unacceptableRead MoreWomens Rights Through History1127 Words   |  5 PagesVoices, Women’s Lives Women’s roles through history have changed and stayed the same in many different ways. Based on evidence from historical documents, â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† by Charlotte Gilman, â€Å"The Life You Save May Be Your Own† by Flannery O’Connor, â€Å"Raising A Son - With Men on the Fringes† by Robyn Marks, â€Å"Self in 1958† by Anne Sexton and modern day examples as well. Overall, since 1880, women’s rights have been a controversial topic based on their power, roles and societal expectations toRead MoreEssay on Universities Medieval And Mode675 Words   |  3 Pagesexisted since the Twelfth Century AD and have been evolving ever since. There have been many changes however many things have remained unchanged throughout the years. The student and teacher roles have evolved as well as the general purpose of going to a university. Overall the academic aspects have changed more than the personal aspects of college. In 1200, the King of France issued a statement (118)* regarding Royal Privileges granted to the University of Paris. In order to protect the studentsRead MoreThe Nuclear Family is no Longer the American Ideal Essay954 Words   |  4 PagesTimes have changed; the nuclear family is no longer the American ideal because family needs have changed since the 1950s. This American convention of a mother and father and their two children, were a template of films and early television as a depiction of the American family life. Now seen as archaic and clichà © by today’s standards, but the idea is common throughout many of the first world nations in the world. This ideal was a vast departure from the past agrarian and pre industrial familiesRead MoreFamily s Roles And Functions, Childcare Practices, And Emotional Dynamics1673 Words   |  7 PagesOver time, nearly every aspect of American family life has gone through extensive transformations. Just over the past three centuries there has been overwhelming changes in family’s roles and functions, childcare practices, and emotional dynamics. The definition of what is considered to be â€Å"family† has changed due to shifts in social values, the economy, and health. Therefore, there isn’t a set definition for the â€Å"traditional family† because family life is a social and cultural construct. BeforeRead MoreGender Equality1474 Words   |  6 Pagesthat over ruled this society, but â€Å"there have been huge changes†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (182) in gender equality. Gender equality has changed dramatically over the years and the shift toward gender equality will continue over the next years to come. It all started in the 19th century something important was born and it was the birth of the womens rights movement. Women were tired of being the â€Å"caregiver[s]† (Gender Roles Within American Marriage) while the men were the â€Å"breadwinners† (Gender Roles Within American Marriage)

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Analyzing Toys R Us Case free essay sample

This paper examines the Toys R Us communication processes, focusing on management practices, technology and the employees ability to communicate. This paper looks at the value of the Toys R Us solution to improve their communication processes focusing on the analysis of the Toys ?R? Us Case Study, a case study investigation, contrasting the solutions and individual reflections of the author. The inefficiencies of the present communication network in the company are also examined. From the paper: Toys ?R? Us began in 1948 as a business dedicated to fulfilling the needs of children. Those needs included toys, clothing, furniture, accessories and more. Today Toys ?R? Us is an $11 billion international chain with 1,450 stores nationwide. Not only does Toys ?R? Us have physical locations, they also have a very strong Internet presence. To operate a business this size requires an immense staff with each individual bringing their knowledge and experiences to the company. We will write a custom essay sample on Analyzing Toys R Us Case or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page With such a large number of stores and a diverse group of employees, the ability to communicate is essential .

Monday, December 9, 2019

Julius Caesar, Life of Essay Example For Students

Julius Caesar, Life of Essay Julius Caesar was a strong leader for the Romans who changed the courseof the history of the Greco Roman world decisively and irreversibly. With his courage and strength he created a strong empire . Whathappened during his early political career? How did he become such astrong dictator of the Roman Empire? What events led up to the makingof the first triumvirate? How did he rise over the other two in thetriumvirate and why did he choose to take over? What happened duringhis reign as dictator of Rome? What events led up to the assassinationof Caesar? What happened after he was killed? Caesar was a major partof the Roman Empire because of his strength and his strong warstrategies. Julius Caesar was a Roman general and statesman whose dictatorship waspivotal in Romes transition from republic to empire. When he was youngCaesar lived through one of the most horrifying decades in the historyof the city of Rome. The city was assaulted twice and captured by Romanarmies, first in 87 BC by th e leaders of the populares, his uncle Mariusand Cinna. Cinna was killed the year that Caesar had married Cinnasdaughter Cornelia. The second attack upon the city was carried our byMarius enemy Sulla, leader of the optimates, in 82 BC on the lattersreturn from the East. On each occasion the massacre of politicalopponents was followed by the confiscation of their property. Theproscriptions of Sulla, which preceded the reactionary politicallegislation enacted during his dictatorship left a particularly bittermemory that long survived. Caesar left Rome for the province of Asia on the condition that hedivorce his wife because Sulla would only allow him to leave on thatcondition. When he heard the news that Sulla had been killed hereturned to Rome. He studied rhetoric under the distinguished teacherMolon. In the winter of 75-74 BC Caesar was captured by pirated and, while intheir custody awaiting the arrival of the ransom money which theydemanded, threatened them with crucifixion , a thre at which he fulfilledimmediately after his release. He then returned to Rome to engage in anormal political career, starting with the quaetorship which he servedin 69-68 BC in the province of Further Spain. In the Roman political world of the sixties the dominance of theoptimates was challenged by Pompey and Crassus. The optimates, led byQuintus Lutatius Catulus and Lucius Licinius Lucullus , were chiefly menwhose careers had been made by Sulla. Pompey and Crassus were consulsin 70 BC and had rescinded the most offensively reactionary measures ofSullas legislation. During Pompeys absence from 67 to 62 BC duringhis campaigns against the Mediterranean pirates, Mithridates, andCrassus, his jealous rival. Caesar married Ponpeia after Corneliasdeath and was appointed aedile in 65 BC As aedile , Caesar returned toMarius trophies to their former place of honor in the Capitol, thuslaying claim to leadership of the populares. When Caesar was a praetor, he supported a tribune who wanted Pompeyrecalled to restore order in Rome. As a result, Caesar was suspendedfrom office for a period and antagonized Catulus. Before leaving Rometo govern Further Spain for a year, Caesar divorced his wife Pompeiabecause of the allegation that she had been implicated in the offense ofPublius Clodius. The latter was then awaiting trial for breaking intoCaesars house the previous December disguised as a woman at thefestival of the Bona Dea, which no man is allowed to attend. After his return from a successful year administrating Spain Caesar waselected consul for 59 BC through political alliance with Pompey andCrassus . This alliance was called the first triumvirate. Caesarspurpose was to gain a big military command. Pompey for his part soughtthe ratification of his Eastern settlement and land allotments for hisdischarged troops. Crassus sought a revision of the contract forcollecting taxes in the province of Asia. An agrarian bill authorizingthe purchase of land for Pompeys veterans was passed in January of 59BC at a disorderly public assembly which Caesars fellow consulCalpurnius Bibulus, was thrown from the platform and his consularinsignia were broken. Bibulus tried to stop Caesar and his supportersfrom passing any further law but was only able to postpone the creationof the new laws by saying that the skies would not permit it becausethere was stormy weather and they were very superstitious. Caesardisregarded Bibulus behavior and the remainder of the legislativeprogram of the triumvirate was carried through. As a result of thisaction Caesar and his friends incurred bitter attacks. Their politicalopponents continued to claim that the whole of the legislation wasunconstitutional and invalid. Christmas time EssayCaesar was considered to be a dictator for life. According to thetraditional Republican constitution this office was only to be held forsix months during a dire emergency. Caesar also obtained honors toincrease his prestige. He wore the robe, crown, and scepter of atriumphant general and used the title imperator. He was also in commandof the armies. Caesar used his dictatorship and used it to increase hispower. With all of his powers he was pretty much the king of Rome. Mark Antony was his major supporter and he helped convince the others toallow Caesar to have these abilities, but it led to some problems. A group of conspirators had been formed against Caesar because theyfelt that he had too much power and that if he became the king of Romehe would become corrupt and use his powers to create a bad society. Thesenate resented his actual position that was shown in the sixty memberconspiracy which Marcus Brutus had organized to kill him. On the Idesof March , two days before he was due to leave Rome on his great easternexpedition, he was stabbed to death at a meeting of the senate inPompeys new theater. He fell dead at the foot of Pompeys statue. Pompey was avenged, as well as Bibulus and Cato. After a provocativefuneral oration by Mark Antony, Caesars body was burned by the mob inthe forum. When at the games in his honor the following July a cometappeared and it was regarded as evidence of his godhead and he wasformally consecrated and divus Julius, or divine Julius. Octavius,whose name became Caesar Octavianus after his adoption by Caesars will,solved, by his creation of the Roman prin cipate, the constitutionalproblem that Caesar failed to solve. Caesar had started as a consul and had formed the first triumviratewith Crassus and Pompey. They had taken over the Roman civilization andhad controlled for a while. When Crassus was killed and agreement wasmade. Pompey and Caesar were supposed to give up their military andenter the city of Rome to find a real ruler. Pompey was in on the dealand he was supposed to take over. Caesar knew that if he entered thecity of Rome without his troops he would be killed by Pompey and so hecrossed the Rubicon with his troops and attacked Rome. He took over asa dictator for life and gained a lot of power. He was able to run astrong military and even though he was considered only a dictator hewrote laws that actually made him have the same powers as a king. Theconspirators saw the problem that had arised and so they planned themurder of Caesar on the Ides of March. Caesar was killed and there wasanother triumvirate formed. Caesar was a strong military leader thathad showed strength and courage to t ake over the town and he was able toform a civilization that was strong militarily and politically.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The rocking horse winner bylawrence free essay sample

Research paper: compare and contrast :The rocking horse winner bylawrence, and The lottery by jackson BY 210775 Just We Three The Savior is not a silent observer. He Himself knows personally and infinitely the pain we face. Monday, November 19, 2012 Compare and Contrast A paper from my English Literature and Composition class this summer Abstract In Graham Greenes The Destructors and Richard Connells The Most Dangerous Game Rainsford and Trevor (better known as T. are each faced with a moral ilemma. Each character is confronted with a post-war scenario. While T. is immersed in it, living in a post-war London, and striving to fit in with his peers; Rainsford faces an opponent who survived the overthrow of the Czar and continued to pursue his favored sport despite societal acceptance. T. is from a higher social status than that of his peers and must find a way to fit in and earn their respect. We will write a custom essay sample on The rocking horse winner bylawrence or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Rainsford is shipwrecked on an island with a big game hunter and must survive the ost challenging hunt of his life. The purpose of this essay is to compare the way these moral dilemmas affect each character, how they address the struggle, how they internalize their perception, and how they work toward resolution with their inner conflict. 1 . Adapting to challenges (both key individuals) a. Rainsford is successful 2. Character Analysis a. Trevor-cultured hoodlum b. Rainsford-cultured hunter 3. Conflict a. Rainsford

Monday, December 2, 2019

Novice Meets Expert

Introduction Business organizations across the world are using the social networking tools such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter among others to boost employee relationships, achieve credibility, set up an opportunity for having communication between the organization and its customers and also to promote sales.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Novice Meets Expert specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Moreover, it is reported that â€Å"company recruiters are going to sites like LinkedIn to get access to the almost 25 million resumes posted† (Brottlund, 2009, p.1).In this paper, there is going to be a discussion on the use of social networking tools by companies in general and by the IBM Company specifically. There is also going to be a discussion on the type of IT projects. The report is basically based on an interview with one of the company’s IT managers, George Rizk. In addition, there is also going to be presentation of the information obtained from the review of the related literature; supporting or criticizing the information provided by the manager during the interview. The conclusion section will provide a summary of the discussion. Use of social networking tools by IBM Following the interview, it was established that there are social networking tools that are used by IBM and these include, as pointed out by the interviewee; Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. These social networking tools are used by this company for various purposes. For instance, it was found out that the company uses these tools to advertise IBM’s initiatives like Smarter Planet, among others. It was also found out that the social networking tools are used to find potential employees. Moreover, the manager pointed out that the social networks used in this company help the current and the former employees of the company to remain connected. However, the manager was also quick to point out that, to a certain extent, these social networks work against the company with other recruiters â€Å"poaching† the IBM employees.Advertising Looking for report on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Basing on information that has been presented in the literature on this issue, this manager’s view is correct. For instance, Zappone (2012) points out that in the present day, the social networks make it possible for the employers to engage in developing relationships with the potential employees even when they are working somewhere else. The inclination towards recruiting the employed candidates, instead of those who are not working, poses a big risk of raiding the talent pool of a company. It is reported that in the last few years, the Sony Erickson Company gave instructions to those who recruit talents for the company to exclude the unemployed (Zappone, 2012). Moreover, in survey conducted recently, it was found out that â€Å"more than 90 percent of senior human resources executives in the U.S regard recruiting ‘passive candidates’ as central to their strategy† (Zappone, 2012, p.1). â€Å"Passive† candidates refer to the professionals who are not presently seeking another career opportunity (Zappone, 2012). In such situations, the â€Å"passive candidates† may be contacted via the social networking tools. Zappone (2012) reports that, according to the information provided by LinkedIn, one of the social networking companies, â€Å"the rise of the social media and other new sources of potential candidates are driving a shift towards direct sourcing and recruiters expanding their search beyond active candidates to include ‘passive’ candidates† (Zappone, 2012, p.1). However, according to the interviewee, the social networks need to be used in ICT environment. When asked the reason for this, he pointed out that it makes it a question o f one company against the other and it is about the reputation of the company and how it treats its employees. Mr. Rizk had also established that, other companies might engage in using the social networks as a tool to take down the reputation of competitive companies.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Novice Meets Expert specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This view is also shared in the literature presented by Shullich (2011) where it is reported that a study conducted among executives by PRNewswire showed that; forty nine percent of them had a feeling that the use of the social networking tools could damage a company’s reputation. When asked whether this is legal or should be prevented, Mr. Rizk’s response was that the business organizations and social media will always be used in an inappropriate way by people and other business organizations to ‘put down’ another company’s reput ation. According to him, this is not fair or moral but a company cannot stop the actions of others in another company. He explained that in the case of IBM, this company has their BCG’s extend to social media. The company takes its BCG’s quite seriously to a level where every employee is asked to revalidate yearly and to complete an education module to certify and this includes â€Å"Digital IBMer†, which is based around social media. Type of IT projects When asked about IT projects, the manager pointed out that IBM Company has many different projects. According to the manager, there are different components of projects and for instance, in storage there are four of them which include B R, SAN, NAS, and Mainframe. His response to the issue of whether all the available projects are on-going projects and whether there are projects that are completed before a deadline was, from his perspective, that; he manages projects for the customers that IBM supports. He furt her pointed out that projects come in all shapes and sizes and they all have maintenance and upgrading support. The manager added that in case new comers come in, that also is considered as a project.Advertising Looking for report on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The different types of the IT projects are complex to manage. It has been found out that considerable numbers of the complex IT projects up to now still do not succeed in delivering the main benefits in a timely manner and also fail to target cost as well as specification. It is further pointed out that this is largely driven by â€Å"the exponential growth in the capability of hardware and communications technology, and the corresponding inflation in people’s expectations and ambition† (British Computer Society, 2004). It is also observed that a larger number of the IT projects are carried out with an intention of delivering some form of process or business change (British Computer Society, 2004). In particular cases, the IT systems will be brought in to make it possible to have a larger number of business transformations. In other cases, â€Å"they will be automating an existing process† (British Computer Society, 2004, p. 17). Although the aim is labelled as automation, those involved will have to change their practices, â€Å"so business change of some form will ultimately result† (British Computer Society, 2004, p.17). The effect of this will be that the practitioners in the IT field will require having adequate knowledge about the processes as well as business concerned if ever the IT system is to realize the expected results (British Computer Society, 2004). It is very common for problems to come up and this is for the reason that the description of the â€Å"business process† provided to the supplier can not represent the process which is being used in an accurate manner (British Computer Society, 2004). In the automation systems case, â€Å"the manual process being replaced by the IT system may be intrinsically ineffective – automation is unlikely to make a bad process better, although it may execute it more quickly† (British Computer Society, 2004, p.17). Conclusion Just like in many other companies ac ross the world, there is use of various social networking tools in IBM. These tools include Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter among others. They are used for various purposes such as sales promotion and advertising, finding potential employees, and facilitating communication among employees among other purposes. However, the use of these tools comes with their own challenges which include the risk of damaging the company’s reputation and leaking out of the company secrets among other challenges. But this company still prefers to continue using of these tools, but insist on the issue that the employees should use the tools responsibly. There are also many different types of IT projects in this company and many different components of the IBM Company IT projects exist. For instance, in storage, there are four of them which include B R, SAN, NAS, and Mainframe. The complex nature of the IT projects call for having good project management in order to overcome the challenges that ar e associated with them. References British Computer Society, (2004). The challenges of complex IT projects. London, U.K: The Royal Academy of Engineering. Brottlund, B. (2009). Companies using social networking to boost sales. Web. Shullich, R. (2011). Risk assessment of social media. New York, NY: SANS Institute. Zappone, C. (2012). Social media used to poach workers. Retrieved from This report on Novice Meets Expert was written and submitted by user Reagan Conley to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.